

By Edwin Darius 

The gospel of John has a unique perspective of Jesus compared to the other gospels. Mark starts with Jesus’s baptism and the beginning of His ministry. Matthew starts with Jesus’s genealogy, tracing Him back to Abraham. As for Luke, he traces Jesus all the way back to Adam. However, John went even further. He starts by saying that Jesus is the God of creation, who came down wrapped in human flesh to bring light and salvation to humanity.
Throughout the book, John recorded seven key miracles to show that Jesus is worthy of belief. He also spent time building up the hour of Jesus’s death, —not presenting it as a humiliation but as His glorification, since His death and resurrection would bring our redemption. At the end of his gospel, John makes the purpose of the book really clear by saying “…these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in His name.” (John 20:31)
There’s nothing more important to me in this world than Jesus. I will always be thankful for the blood that He shed on Calvary for me. Look, there are things I might never experience, people I might never know and places I might never go —but I don’t care. I am glad to know Jesus, my saviour and my friend! I am happy to know that I am free in Him, forgiven and loved by Him. I definitely believe!


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