Celebration of Lights

The Celebration of Lights in Vancouver is again hosting one of the largest offshore fireworks festivals in the world. By 10pm the SeaWall and beaches flanking English Bay fill with

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Confronting Gender Norms

Shakespeare’s play “Twelfth Night” which debuted 400 years ago could be considered one of the original rom-coms (romantic comedies) and many contemporary movies seem to borrow from the plot of

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Is there anything Holy in Hamlet?

By Pr. Rhoda Klein Miller Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” is a play steeped in themes of betrayal, revenge, and moral decay. Yet, amid its dark tapestry, there emerges a subtle but profound

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Shakespeare on Sabbath

Vancouver’s summertime showcase of Shakespearan theatre has been a popular event since it began in 1990. Each season now attracts 100,000 attendees who will watch plays unfold at Sen̓ákw/Vanier Park

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Streams in the Desert

After a military coup took place on February 1, 2021, Myanmar (Burma) was thrown into a deadly tailspin of violence, armed conflict, and war. Until now, more than 2 million

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Upon God’s shoulders

Mentally flip through your early childhood memories and I bet you can recall a moment you were lifted up to the shoulders of an adult.  As you picture yourself there

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Age is Just a Number

In our society, age often becomes a measure of capability, potential, and value. However, the Bible repeatedly challenges this notion, showing us that age—whether youth or seniority—does not limit one’s

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Holistic Wellbeing

In a world saturated with health advice, ranging from the latest dietary trends to cutting-edge fitness regimes, the quest for holistic wellbeing often feels overwhelming. Yet, long before modern science

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Identity Theft

$7.86. That’s the compensation LifeLabs clients ended up receiving from a class action lawsuit after their personal data was compromised and held for ransom. A few months ago the word

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 Walk with Me

In a world marked by bustling traffic, bustling schedules, and bustling lives, it’s easy to overlook the beauty and depth of the communities we inhabit. But what if we slowed

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Bird Brained

Have you ever been accused of being “bird brained”? Historical writing from the 1600s shows the insult of “bird-witted’ seemingly refer to fowl’s feeble function. However despite their small skulls, avians

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