Worship With Us
Every Saturday at 11:00 am in-house or online.

Our church, Your church

We believe that Jesus is needed and relevant for people in Vancouver today.

The message of God's love and promise of wholeness was destined to be experienced within a faith community that worships, studies scripture and prays together. Let us warmly welcome you to journey with us toward greater connection, purpose and peace.


From the Gallery

Words of Hope

Celebration of Lights

The Celebration of Lights in Vancouver is again hosting one of the largest offshore fireworks festivals in the world. By 10pm the SeaWall and beaches flanking English Bay fill with

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Confronting Gender Norms

Shakespeare’s play “Twelfth Night” which debuted 400 years ago could be considered one of the original rom-coms (romantic comedies) and many contemporary movies seem to borrow from the plot of

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