Understanding God’s Love

Understanding God’s Love

Have you ever felt like you had to earn someone’s love, constantly striving to meet their expectations, fearing that one wrong move could push them away? This common human experience can sometimes extend to our perception of God. We may find ourselves thinking that we must measure up to a certain standard to be worthy of God’s love. 

A Tale of Redemption

In the heart of the New Testament, nestled within the pages of the Gospel of Luke, lies a parable that beautifully illustrates the nature of God’s love. It’s a story of a father and his two sons, one of whom makes a grave mistake but is ultimately embraced with open arms by his loving father. (you can read the Prodigal Son Parable in Luke 15: 11-32) 

This parable reveals several essential truths about God’s love:

1. Unconditional Love: God’s love for us is unconditional. Just as the father didn’t withdraw his love from his wayward son, God’s love remains steadfast, regardless of our failures or mistakes. God’s love is not based on what we do; it’s based on who He is.

2. Eager Forgiveness: God eagerly forgives us when we turn back to Him. Like the father in the parable, God is not interested in dwelling on our past mistakes. Instead, He longs for our return and celebrates our decision to come back to Him.

3. Grace: The father’s actions in the parable reflect God’s extravagant grace. He didn’t just welcome the prodigal son back; he restored him to his former position, symbolized by the robe, ring, and sandals. Similarly, God’s grace is abundant, granting us a new identity and purpose when we return to Him.

4. Joy in Heaven: The parable also teaches us about the joy in heaven when a lost person comes back to God. It highlights God’s immense love for every individual, reinforcing the idea that no one is insignificant in God’s eyes.

The Nature of God’s Love

To truly appreciate the message of the Prodigal Son, we must understand the nature of God’s love. The Bible’s thesis statement succinctly declares, “God is love.” This simple yet profound statement reminds us that love is at the core of God’s character. Everything else in the Bible serves to illustrate and prove this fundamental truth.

In history, there were times when God’s character has been misrepresented, often portrayed God as a strict rule-keeper, focusing more on regulations than on grace. They failed to see the pattern of God’s amazing love and grace throughout history.

Jesus came to correct this misrepresentation, revealing the true nature of God’s love. He did so through parables like the Prodigal Son, demonstrating that God’s character is defined by love, not by rigid rules and regulations.

Jesus emphasized that the Kingdom of God is a place of celebration when lost people return home. God’s love knows no bounds, and even a single lost soul brings Him great joy. This love is the foundation of our faith, a love that cannot be earned or lost—it simply is.

But what happens when we fail, when we stumble and fall short of God’s standards? Do we believe that God’s love diminishes as a result? The answer is no, even though we may struggle with this notion at times. God’s love is constant; our actions or circumstances cannot alter it.