This week’s solar eclipse plunged a wide path over the US into darkness for a few minutes. Being a science nerd I kept the NASA live broadcast running as I tried to multitask. More than one watch party in a town field or open air stadium was playing Bonnie Tyler’s 80’s hit “Total Eclipse of the Heart” (a song also used by many Christian drime troupes). Inevitably as the moon fully aligned with the sun producing a diamond ring effect and the erupting cheers simultaneously faded to a solemn hush. The safety glasses were removed and people gasped as they were enveloped by a 360 degree sunset. With crimson hues on the horizon and planets visible above more than one broadcasting commentator was overcome by emotion. “I feel connected to the universe and bonded with the thousands who are sharing this moment” said a teary eyed reporter. “It’s the most wondrous experience in my life” remarked another. That night I scrolled through lots of great memes and cheeky metaphors about the eclipse, including a few jokes and predictions how pastors would use this event in their next sermon! There were also conspiracy theorists predicting this as a sign of coming doom. But I was inspired to imagine a more awesome sight. My heart is longing to witness with the whole world the momentous scene described in John’s Revelation of Jesus “Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him” (Rev. 1:7). Right now our planet exists in the shadow of sin. Greed, hate, cruelty, arrogance, gluttony fuel wars and oppression, and drive wedges that separate us from God and each other. But the Light of the Son has come (John 1:5) and will return so we can live with hope in the dawn of a new era where all wrongs are made right, justice is served and we are embraced by the truest love. “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear and obey what is written in it, because the time is near…To Him who loves us and has released us from our sins by His blood —to Him be the glory and power forever and ever! Amen (Rev 1:3-6).