During the summer, our church centered its messages on Vancouver’s Art. This made it impossible for me not to draw a connection between the religious and historical when I stood before the monument dedicated to fallen soldiers, located just outside the Waterfront station in downtown.
If you’ve never seen it, the sculpture portrays an angel carrying a fallen soldier, guiding him to rest with our Heavenly Father. The artwork is astounding, with clear expressions etched into the faces of both figures. But beyond its aesthetic appeal, the monument holds a deeper, more profound meaning.
It’s a common sentiment, especially among Latino parents, to proclaim, “I’d give my life for my children.” This sentiment can easily extend to any loved one within our close-knit families.
But how many of us would lay down our lives for a stranger? How many would sacrifice everything to ensure the well-being and freedom of those not yet born or those we’ve never met?
A few days ago, I came across a video where Simon Sinek shared an insight from one of his talks with ex-soldiers and veterans. He discovered that while deployed, most of them were willing to give their lives. Interestingly, beyond just patriotism, a primary reason for their willingness was the bond they shared with their fellow soldiers. When Sinek asked, “Why?” their response was telling: “Because they’d do the same for me.”
In our often individualistic societies, it might be challenging to fathom giving one’s life for someone unknown to us. Yet, Jesus did just that. He not only sacrificed His life to save the world at large but also with each individual inhabitant in mind – past, present, and future. If that isn’t the ultimate display of unconditional love, then what is?