Crunch Time

Crunch Time

By Pr. Rhoda Klein Miller

I tend to justify procrastination of the toughest tasks by being “productive” and focussing on smaller problems. Paper due in the morning? Suddenly the fridge HAS to be deep cleaned. Tax deadline looming? But my houseplant needs repotting. Regardless of our avoidance and excuses, inevitably you’ve got to confront the challenge. When the difficulty or decision can no longer be avoided, its “crunch time”. This week was crunch time for a lot of parents and school staff. Regardless if they felt totally prepared or ready, kids were returning to class. 

In times when the stakes are high and stress is mounting, who we’re doing life alongside matters! Jesus’ strategy during His personal “crunch time” before the most agonizing decision and action of His life, was to prioritize relationships.The day before His crucifixion, we find Jesus sitting at the table, breaking bread, speaking from the heart, sharing a song and taking long walks with His friends. He invested into relationships that would motivate His resolve. He wasn’t cramming in scripture memorization or endurance-building workouts, instead he pulled an all-nighter with agape love.

In stressful seasons we can’t neglect our vital relationships. Check in with someone who will uplift and sustain you. I pray you will experience something powerful when you prioritize the people who will help you focus on Jesus. If you are missing that in your life, reach out to us and take advantage of the community OAC offers.