

By Pr. Jesame von Tronchin

Love is a universal longing. From the time we are born, we crave affection, connection, and a sense of belonging. We desire to be loved deeply, to be known completely, and to find security in that love. The world tells us that love is found in romantic relationships, friendships, or even personal achievements. But as fulfilling as those things can be, they are not enough to fully satisfy the longing in our souls.

Jesus was once asked, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” His response was simple yet profound:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39, NIV)

Here, Jesus reveals the key to experiencing love in its fullest form. The deepest, most fulfilling love begins with God. When we love Him with all that we are, we step into a relationship where we are fully known and unconditionally loved. His love is not based on performance or perfection—it is freely given.

But Jesus doesn’t stop there. The love we receive from God is meant to overflow into the way we love others. True love is not just about receiving; it is about giving. It is about selflessness, kindness, and sacrificial care for those around us. Whether it’s a spouse, a friend, a stranger, or even someone difficult to love, our calling is to reflect God’s love through our words, actions, and compassion.