Trust and devotion

Tithes & Offerings

Thank you for returning your tithes and offerings back to God. At Oakridge, we believe that living a life of generosity and abundance is a direct reflect of your trust and devotion to God. Learn how to make a contribution.

Church Budget
& Tithes

Tithe is the Biblical practice of returning 10% of profits back to God. Additional offerings are returned to acknowledge God’s blessings and exercise trust in His provision. All giving marked “tithe” is passed on to the BC Conference for administrative support and pastor’s salaries serving the region’s churches. Only contributions to the Local Church Budget pay for Oakridge Church’s ministry costs. Oakridge Church is dependent on your faithfulness and charitable contributions to cover facility expenses, local staff salaries, children’s materials, Deer Lake school subsidies, youth and senior events, outreach and community connections, worship instruments, livestream broadcast equipment, office supplies, and much more. Our ministry budget and plans are based on receiving half the amount given in tithe (5% of congregational incomes).