The Celebration of Lights in Vancouver is again hosting one of the largest offshore fireworks festivals in the world. By 10pm the SeaWall and beaches flanking English Bay fill with thousands of spectators who battle traffic or squeeze onto busses and trains, often arriving hours early to secure prime viewing spots for the 20 minute pyrotechnic show. The colourful explosions set to music have the masses spontaneously yet collectively “oooh”, “ahh” and erupt in applause. It makes me think of Jesus words recorded in the Gospel of John (12:32), stating that if He would be lifted up, will draw ALL men to Him. There is nothing more beautiful and spectacular than the sacrificial love of Christ, who left heaven to be Light in this ever darkening world (John 8:12). Have you experienced the attractive power of God’s Message? It will brighten your life with hope every day, not just three nights a year!