By Pr. Rhoda Klein Miller

In a world brimming with troubling headlines, people are hungry for some good news. It’s an opportune time to share the secret to incomprehensible peace we possess in such a chaotic climate. Because of our faith in Jesus  we don’t get swept up in worry over the state of the world. We can speak to what most know in their guts – there is no hope earth’s governments to turn things around. They will never be free of corruption and abuse of power. Our hope for a brighter future comes from belonging to a kin-dom that transcends temporary empires and kingdoms.

Before Jesus returned to heaven, His final words, often referred to as the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 charged His followers with the responsibility to share the gospel. How seriously are we taking this commission? Are we living out the call to share Jesus with everyone we encounter? Not just by words but in attitude and actions that reflect His character. Maybe we should start with considering if we’ve lost just how good the Good News is? Are you convinced that Jesus is most wonderful and His message of redemption and eternal life matters more than anything?  

Jesus’ command was for everyone who follows Him to actively engage in this mission. This is a high calling and one that requires intentionality and purpose. Each believer has a role in spreading the gospel, whether through personal conversations, supporting missionaries, or living a life that reflects Christ’s love. Answering this call starts right where we are. The people in your life — your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and even strangers — need to hear the gospel. It’s not about being a perfect evangelist but about being willing to step out in faith and share the hope that you have in Christ.

Taking the Great Commission seriously isn’t just about duty; it’s about joy and fulfillment and sharing the great love we found. There is nothing more rewarding than knowing that you helped change someone’s life for the better. 

Let’s be faithful to His commission, not out of obligation, but out of love for the One who has saved us. As we share the gospel, we not only fulfill the Great Commission, but we also bring the hope of Christ to a world that desperately needs it.

Consider how you can share the gospel in your daily interactions. Simple acts of kindness, sharing your testimony, or praying for others can all be powerful ways to witness to those around you. If you’re unsure of where to start, ask God to open your eyes to opportunities to speak about Him. He will lead you in those moments and empower you with His Spirit.

Now, more than ever, it’s time to take action. How will you spread the good news?