What Jesus would do

What Jesus would do

By Ryan Brousson

What are we to do in times of crisis? In times of need? Are we to look out for ourselves, clearing store shelves of food and necessities? Hoarding everything we can so we can stay secure, like we see people doing during this COVID19 pandemic? 

Is this what Jesus would want us to do? What did Jesus do? Jesus went after people. He removed barriers, and created space for healing. When people were wanting to move away from others, He brought people together. People wanted to isolate themselves from their neighbours, Jesus went towards people. 

This is what we are to model. We are not to close ourselves off from those around us. We are the light of the world. We are called to reflect God’s love to humanity, especially during times of crisis. 

So during this difficult time of COVID19. Do not close yourself off from those around you. Be safe, keep physical distance if you are sick or worried about spreading the virus, but stay open to people. Serve others. If someone is shut-in, deliver some groceries. If someone is struggling with worries about family, friends, or work, reach out and pray with them. Though we may be physically separated at this time, remove the emotional, social, and spiritual distance.

Follow Jesus’ example. Bring people together. Be the good Samaritan in someone’s life. Be the hands of Jesus!

Read more Words of Hope

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