Well Done Graduates!

Well Done Graduates!

By Edwin Darius 

You have made it this far and you’re still alive. All the all nighters you’ve pulled and the fun activities you’ve missed to work on assignments, projects, and essays were really worth it. I know that the journey was not easy and that the challenges were many, but I cannot tell you that you’ve reached the end,–since graduation is the beginning of a new journey. Don’t ever forget that you are a student of life; never stop asking questions and don’t ever think you know too much to learn something new.
Fellow graduates, the Lord has wonderful plans for your life, to give you a future and hope (Jeremiah 29:11). Throughout your journey, remember that He goes before you and will be with you ( Deuteronomy 31:8). So do not fear, your future is already in His hands. Oh, if only you could see the places you’ll go…
Once again, congratulations! I pray that God shows you where you fit in the puzzle of His divine providence. May your anxiety be tempered by faith and may you keep glowing for Christ, regardless of the darkness around you.


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