Survivor Stories

Survivor Stories

By Rhoda Klein Miller

When life becomes hard and we face multiple challenges we may feel doubtful about our survival or recovery. Prayer can provide the patience and insight to see how God is using setbacks to set us up for something new.

Sometimes we won’t realize till much later how getting the rug pulled from under us created changes we would have otherwise avoided. That is why they say hindsight is 20/20. Our life’s direction is shaped by the goals we set during suffering. But not all tragedies lead to better or brighter tomorrows in this life.

If “everything happens for a reason,” one factor to consider is the agency of Satan, who engineers scenarios to discourage, delude or destroy us. It is God who masters making lemonade from lemons, turns sorrow into dancing and restores beauty from ashes (Isaiah 61:3).

Your survivor story may be vital to encourage or bring hope to someone else. Resilience can be shared as we commit to battle together against a common enemy. If you are willing to share how faith in Jesus helped you overcome dark times, please let us know. A Silver-linings Sabbath is planned for May 30.

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