The desire to speak with God

The desire to speak with God

By Rhoda Klein miller

At then end of his celebrated career, American diplomat Max Kampleman shared this gem of wisdom: “A dialogue is more than two monologues.” Conversations with God – do you have them? Or does your experience of reading Scripture and praying feel more like a duel than a duet?  As with building any relationship of trust, it takes humility and vulnerability for open and honest communication to happen. A rich exchange leads to change in our hearts, minds and actions.  How can we move toward an integrated discourse with God? Try reading the Bible prayerfully, where you ask the Holy Spirit to guide your understanding. Tell Jesus what you find challenging or inspiring about His Word. Choose a song of worship where the lyrics are directed to God then when it ends pause and listen for His response. Paul guides us to pray expectantly, thankful as we remain alert for the answer (Col 4:2).  Nurture your desire to speak with God, not merely at Him. Prayer becomes more meaningful when we participate in both sides of the communication flow.  Foot-washing and the communion table also provide an opportunity to practice that. These acts of worship involve us with Jesus’ invitation to receive and respond to His life-giving offer.  It’s a critical conversation I hope you’ll be part of.

If you have a story to share about how prayer has impacted your life, we’d love to hear it! submit it at


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