Let every heart prepare Him room

Let every heart prepare Him room

By Ryan Brousson

What does it mean to prepare room in our hearts for Jesus? How is this accomplished? We often focus on what we do externally: going to church, giving to those in need, among other things. If we do these things we then say we are right with God and that Jesus lives in our hearts. But these things are not always driven by God.

The Pharisees thought that all they needed to do was an external action, and though external actions are important, it is more than an external action that means our hearts are prepared for God. 
So how are our hearts prepared for Jesus? Our hearts need to be cleansed and prepared by God Himself.

They are cleansed and prepared when we surrender to the Holy Spirit.  Through the Holy Spirit, God gives us the desire for transformation. Paul says, “by the mercies of God” (Rom. 12:1) to give your hearts to God; by doing this, we are changed (v. 2). This transformation, this cleansing is not done by our work or effort, it is the work of God. Only God can transform and cleanse our hearts. 

When God reigns, our lives are transformed and we live lives of abundance (John 10:10). Our hearts overflow with God’s love and we give light to this dark world (Ps. 23:5, Matt. 5:13-16). Ask God to prepare your heart today.

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