

Are you Januweary this January? If you return to work or school after the holiday break and are overwhelmed by the volume of work, you might be Januweary. If the task of removing a dead Christmas tree and stripping your home of cheery lights leaves you feeling dark and dreary, you might be Januweary. If you wake up to find your shovelled driveway walled in by two feet of snow from the passing plow and your aching back and arms can’t bear to scoop another pound, you might be Januweary.  Millions of North Americans also suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD) in January. Commonly known as the Winter Blues, symptoms can extend beyond unshakeable sadness and depressed mood, over-sleeping or insomnia, and lack of energy or motivation. The causes are linked to lack of sunlight and poorer nutrition patterns during the winter months. Some practical steps to relieve symptoms include using a “happy light”, outdoor exercise, taking vitamin D supplements, eating nutrient dense food and limiting highly processed foods. Avoiding drugs and alcohol and reducing screen time.  If these strategies don’t lead to any improvements you should speak with a doctor or professional counsellor. 
As a Christian, I trust God designed my whole self, mind, body and spirit to be one integrated system. God asks us to be good stewards of our bodies by our disciplined habits and what we consume (1 Corinthians 9:27, 10:31). So in additional to doctor recommended treatments, there is a spiritual component we attend to. We were made as relational beings and part of our soul-care is ensuring we are placing ourselves in fellowship with our Creator and in connection with a supportive community. We will delve into this during our Jan 21 teaching which you can access via OAC’s live broadcast, youtube channel or podcast (oacvancouver.ca/live). For now know that I am praying for you and let me share a precious promise from your God: For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.” (Jeremiah 31:25) Amen.