A woman to be Praised

A woman to be Praised

She kicks the car door closed because her fingers, wrists, elbows and shoulders are laden with grocery bags, laptop case, purse, and treasured toy left on the back seat. After a day facing demands, deadlines and red lights, how is there enough stamina and strength to face the howls of a toddler tantrum or scowl of a hangry teen when she walks through that next door? Where does she find grace to not snap-back or the humility to ask forgiveness when she does?

A mother finds courage to face the daunting responsibility of giving, nourishing and protecting life when she admits she can never be enough for everyone else on her own but models dependency on the One who is enough to meet every need (Phil 4:19).

Proverbs 31 quotes a queen mother’s verbal portrait of the ideal woman she wants her son to marry.  This wife-to-be possesses no less than ten virtues and earns the praises of her children and husband (v28). It can be easy to focus on the list of accomplishments but don’t miss the punch line of the passage: “a woman who reveres the Lord is to be praised” (v30).  

Dear Moms, don’t succumb to the pressure to compare yourself or family to others or impossible standards. God Himself will honour your labour and kindness with blessings of wisdom and strength.  Discover the freedom of praying “Jesus, I can’t do this alone. I’m going to trust my parenting and my children to Your care. I will let Your strength be evident by my weakness (2 Cor 12:9). Amen.”